Clean Fun: Global Handwashing Day - October 15, 2024


Welcome to Global Handwashing Day! Yesterday, we satisfied our sweet tooth with Dessert Day, but today we’re scrubbing up with some squeaky-clean jokes. Let’s learn about the importance of handwashing while keeping the laughs coming!


Today’s Podcast Episode

Tune into today’s episode, where we’ll share some bubbly jokes about handwashing and keeping clean! Don’t miss today’s riddle—it’s as clean as they come!

Emphasizing the importance of handwashing with soap for health.

- 1st Joke: What did one hand say to the other?

- 2nd Joke: Why did the soap feel so good?

- 3rd Joke: How did the soap greet the hand?

- 4th Joke: Why was the hand always clean?

- 5th Joke: What do you call a dirty joke?

- Today's Riddle: I help dry your hands after washing but I'm not a dryer. What am I?

Fun Fact of the Day

Did you know that washing your hands with soap can reduce the risk of respiratory infections by up to 20%? Tomorrow, we’re celebrating food from around the world on World Food Day!


Which of Your Friends Needs a Laugh? Kid Jokes Will Help Someone Smile and You’ll Smile Too!

Know someone who could use a reminder to wash their hands? Share this email and help spread the message of cleanliness and fun!

Do Your Kids Know…

Available only for Premium Subscribers.

Steal A Moment For Yourself: Download & Print To Keep Your Kiddo Busy For Ten Minutes.

Clean Hands, Colorful Art! Premium subscribers, download today’s handwashing-themed coloring page and scrub up some colorful fun while learning about the importance of cleanliness.


How Many Dad Jokes Do Your Children Know?

Have a handwashing joke that’s squeaky clean? Submit it here, and you might hear it on a future episode of the Carpool Chuckle Contest!

If you want more episodes full of kid jokes and dad jokes you can revisit previous episodes and see our schedule for the rest of our October episodes.


Excite Your Little One with A Chance to Get Them Featured on The Tickle Pickle!

Once your child has colored in the page you can share it with us and hopefully get featured on our website and future Daily Giggle Newsletters!