Pedal-Powered Jokes: Marking National Bike to Work Day - May 19th, 2024


After a day spent meandering through the hallowed halls of museums, we're taking a more active route with National Bike to Work Day. The Daily Giggle invites you to join in as we pedal through puns and facts, celebrating the benefits of biking, not just for our health but for our planet too.


Today’s Podcast Episode

Hop on for today’s episode, where every joke is a step towards more sustainable living. Ready to ride the wave of eco-conscious comedy?

Promoting cycling as a healthy and sustainable form of transportation.

- 1st Joke: Why did the bike apply for a job?

- 2nd Joke: Why don't bicycles stand up by themselves?

- 3rd Joke: Why did the bicycle get a speeding ticket?

- 4th Joke: Why are bank tellers not allowed to ride bicycles?

- 5th Joke: What does a bicycle call its dad?

- Today's Riddle: I hold the rider up, you see, But I’m not the frame or seat, I’m attached to both wheels with ease, to help the bike stand still, I'm pleased. What am I?

Fun Fact of the Day

Did you know that biking to work can improve your mood, increase fitness, and reduce carbon emissions? Tomorrow, we're buzzing into World Bee Day with stories sweeter than honey.


Which of Your Friends Needs a Laugh? Help Someone Smile and You’ll Smile Too!

Felt the wind in your hair with today’s cycling celebration? Share this pedal-powered edition. Let’s ride towards a greener, healthier future together.

Steal A Moment For Yourself: Download & Print To Keep Your Kiddo Busy For Ten Minutes.

Biking Bliss: Today’s coloring page for premium subscribers is a lively city scene embracing bike culture. Let’s color a world where two wheels make a big difference.


How Many Jokes Do Your Children Know?

Spun a cycle of jokes while riding today? We’d love to hear your best bike humor, so share away and let’s keep the wheels of laughter turning.

If you like this episode you can revisit previous episodes and our schedule for our May episodes.


Excite Your Little One with A Chance to Get Them Featured on The Tickle Pickle!

Once your child has colored in the page you can share it with us and hopefully get featured on our website and future Daily Giggle Newsletters!